Workplace well-being

GRI: 401-2, 401-3

With a view toward ensuring the well-being of all our employees, we provide social benefits that exceed those established by the Mexican Federal Labor Law (LFT, Ley Federal del Trabajo):

  • Life insurance
  • Public health services
  • Insurance coverage for disability or illness
  • Maternity and paternity leave
  • Retirement plans
  • Stock options plan

Other benefits include:

  • Medical insurance
  • Medical check up
  • Weight control
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Flexible work hours
  • Days off (additional to those established by the Law)
  • Marriage dowry
  • Holidays on Children’s Day,
  • Mothers’ Day and New Year’s Day.
  • Mothers’ Day and New Year’s pantry.
  • Lactation rooms

Occupational Health and Safety

GRI: 403-3, 403-4, IP-5

Do not run with a knife in your hand!

In our Industrial Safety Policy, we commit to guaranteeing the physical integrity and well-being of our operational personnel.

Toward this end, we have an Occupational Health Service (Medical Service) that carries out inspections to identify unsafe conditions in the facilities. Based on the identification of risks and hazards, we establish an annual scheme of general medical examinations, such as Spirometry, Audiometric and vibration exposure tests, among others. The medical files are strictly confidential and accessed only by the doctor and the patient.

We continuously homologate strategies and processes managed by the Environmental Control, Safety and Hygiene Department (CASH, Control Ambiental, Seguridad e Higiene) in order to safeguard, prevent and mitigate incidents that could represent a risk for the continuity of our operations.

For more information on our Industrial Safety Policy, visit:–TICA-DE-SEGURIDAD-INDUSTRIAL.pdf

The CASH department has operated under a strategic plan for the follow-up of incidents and the prevention of workplace accidents and environmental damage since 2012.

During 2019, thanks to this continuous effort, we managed to reduce the rate of accidents by 11%. We also reduced the rate of workdays lost by 5%.

GenderAccidentsRate of accidents*Working days lost due to accidentsRate of working days lost due to accidents**
 (*) The rate of accidents refers to the number of accidents during the year in relation to the total of man-hours worked multiplied by a factor of 200,000.
(**) The rate of working days lost is expressed by comparing the total of days lost during the year against the total of man-hours worked, multiplied by a factor of 200,000.
Note: The information presented here covers all the employees in the Group, since the Company does not have outsourced personnel.

In the same manner, we encourage our employees to participate in the development, implementation and evaluation of our Management System, as well as to provide relevant information in regard to health and occupational matters.

Following below are the most significant actions we have realized in that sense:

Following the 5S method (Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain), which are standards and regulations that are visible to departments and easily understood and identified by all the personnel.

Communication plan for information about campaigns by posting it on bulletin boards, along with calls of action in activities related to safety and occupational health as well as accident rate indicators.

Walk-by inspections and/or scheduled safety inspections are carried out to evaluate compliance, and/or to establish action procedures corresponding to the findings, in order to ensure continuous improvement.

Generation of informational bulletins with programmed events in regard to safety, health, and/or the environment.

Various health campaigns are carried out based on the established annual plan, such as vaccinations campaigns, early detection of chronic degenerative diseases, among other health matters.

There are also the Health and Safety Administration Committees for the workers, which perform follow-ups on matters regarding formal arrangements with the labor unions, such as emergency brigades, evacuation plans, fire brigades, workplace accidents and illnesses, health and safety campaigns, the system for the prevention of workplace hazards, and all other matters established by the official Mexican laws, standards and regulations.

Healthy eating program



In 2012 we implemented the Healthy Eating Program to provide nutritional advice to our employees through balanced eating plans and providing monthly consultation follow-ups.

In 2019 we provided 2,588 consultations to employees in Mexico City, San Luis Potosí and Sinaloa.

Thanks to the change in their eating habits, our employees achieved a total weight loss of 1,254 kg.

LocationNumber of assessmentsWeight loss (kg)
San Luis Potosí544297.5
Los Mochis1,105464.7
Mexico City and the State of Mexico939492.3